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Dutch Graphic Roots

Dutch Graphic Roots

By 11-04-2018

[Z]OO productions launches online platform designerportraits ‘Dutch Graphic Roots’
Dutch design has a rich history and a strong international reputation. The printed series ‘Roots’ – a tribute to the generation of designers that formed the basis of the success of Dutch design – now also shares these stories and portraits online via the launched website

‘Roots’ is an ongoing series of written and illustrated portraits aimed at garnering attention for the roots of Dutch graphic design. Since 2005, 46 issues have appeared in print, each of which focuses on a person who has made an important contribution to the field of Dutch graphic design in the period after the Second World War. To meet international demand for ‘Roots’, publisher [Z]OO productions has launched the English-language website ‘Dutch Graphic Roots’.

Dutch graphic design has a rich history, dating back to the early 20th century. It has a strong international reputation of being progressive, playful and undogmatic, always leaving room for ideosyncratic and conceptual experiments while at the same time reaching an exemplary level of professionalism. This tradition never stifled innovation in Dutch graphic design. Rather, it acts as a breeding ground for consecutive new generations of designers to develop their own ideas and identities.

Each month a new article available
In 2005, [Z]OO productions started publishing ‘Roots’ as a tribute to the older, still living generation of designers and other persons of interest. Ever since, there has been steady demand for an English-language version. Drawing on the back catalogue of ‘Roots’, each first monday of the month a translated and fully illustrated issue will be published online at Three issues are now available: Roots #2 Walter Nikkels, Roots #3 Jan van Toorn and Roots # 46 Eugene Bay (new).

Roots is a collaboration between [Z]OO productions and Wilco Art Books and is supported by BNOPictoright and Wim Crouwel Instituut.

Portrait photography: Aatjan Renders